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Everyday Beauty

A friend made a very simple comment this morning that I've been thinking about ever since. The discussion was of being more intentional about noticing beauty in our lives, and Linda observed, " I've been doing the same thing, and it's amazing how lovely some everyday things are." How true this is. A sad fact about human nature is that we tend to numb ourselves to the things we experience all the time. We overlook or tune them out.    If you've ever had a close call--something really scary like a medical emergency or serious accident--you may recall how, along with the waves of relief afterward at having avoided complete catastrophe, there came a renewed appreciation for things you had previously taken for granted. Colors seem brighter and sharper. Food tastes better. Everyday sounds are music to your ears. What if we didn't wait for near disaster to savor what's right in front of us? As I explained here a few days ago, I selected Focus

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